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Welcome to The Collective

The Collective exists to be a house of worship. Our primary focus is on ministering to the Lord and creating a space for the Lord to dwell. We achieve this through prayer, worship, praise, communion and thanksgiving.  We are a collective family gathering together to experience the life-giving and healing presence of Jesus Christ. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ and discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. During our services, it's normal to experience physical and emotional healing, as well as receive specific wisdom or insight regarding a situation you may be currently facing. This is no coincidence! This is the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us. This is confirmation that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever! Come experience Him!

When we Meet

Worship wednesdays


Sunday service


What To Expect

Our services typically consist of an hour of authentic WORSHIP, praise, prayer and thanksgiving (ministering to the Lord) followed by a powerful transparent MESSAGE based on the word of God, the Bible. We typically provide time towards the end of each service to RESPOND to what the Lord is saying to us individually and collectively during the service in worship, in the teaching shared, and in listening to His voice.

We put family first, believing that there is no junior Holy Spirit, families participate in worship together! After worship, kids church is available with age-appropriate teaching and activities.  At the close of each service, prayer partners are available to pray with you as you respond to the Lord and begin to walk in healing and freedom and love for Him. Plan to stay after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

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